Indiana Joppa Satanic Church

Joppa, Indiana, supposivly a satanic unrecognized community. There's also a satanic church. I used to take bike rides through here a lot and remember seeing it then but after four hours of research and driving around... I couldn't find it.
I'll update more as I go.

UPDATE: April 30, 2014
We went to the church last night, before we even got there we all felt a presence. We were still looking for it, I guess we just stumbled accrossed it. The strange thing is, aside from the bad grammar, the presence got worse the farther we went left down the road in front of the church. The farther we went down the road the more over whelming the presence got until I'm almost in the fetal position in my seat trying to fight what ever was happening to me. Then it began to fade away... And I came too. I'll post the text I sent to Brandon about what happened.

We need to check out that road. I know you didn't feel anything on the road but I did. Over and over all of my thoughts and even mouthing "Shasta, Shasta , Shasta". I don't know who he is. He's been apart of my life for as long as I can remember... As I kid when I used to play with sticks as swords my characters name was always Shasta. I loved the name. All my short stories I had written before I even thought about songwriting, all of them the main character was always a young long blonde haired who, even though thin but fit was a very skilled fighter. Somebody I never was. So I loved him even more with this persona I gave him. Video games, user names, emails and I even went on a solo acoustic thing where I called myself "Shasta Sleeves". A last name I had come up with in a short story and just kinda stuck with. 

Hopefully it's not a connection just me over reacting. We're going back tonight since we know exactly where it is. I'll update more as I go. Pictures!

UPDATE: May 24, 2014

This morning around 11:30 I drove by the Joppa church to see if it was in service. It is indeed.
I can't upload the other pictures, I have to sensor the car numbers for privacy reasons. But these are just a few of the pictures I took. I'll have Brandon send me more of his pictures later today, he caught some pretty crazy shit. My pictures will be uploaded shortly along with this update as soon as I sensor them.
The best picture we got of the front of the church.

This is Brandon. I actually did feel the place the first time; that is how I found it. 
  People have been chased by the cult members for decades, violent cult members.


  1. I have been looking for this church for days. Found the markings but not the church. Where is it. Please help :/

    1. Due to some run ins with the members I dont feel safe releasing that over the internet publicly. If you email me, Id be glad to tell you.

    2. I'm looking for this Church so that A friend and I can attend it. I'm having trouble with directions. Please email and help?

    3. I'm looking for this Church so that A friend and I can attend it. I'm having trouble with directions. Please email and help?

  2. google monrovia and read about the graves being dug up around there

  3. What is your E-mail Shasta, if you don't mind. If you don't want to give that out, then can you PM me?

  4. Need directions here how do I get here my GPS brings me to a rock

  5. Need directions here how do I get here my GPS brings me to a rock

  6. Need directions here how do I get here my GPS brings me to a rock

  7. LOL - the name of the church is Salem Church, not Joppa Church. It is a few miles away from the old Joppa trading post. It got it's reputation as being "satanic" because of its name. People try to link it to the Salem (MA) witch trials. The "cult" members that chase kids away are the caretakers of the church that have got tired of the vandalism through the years.

  8. My email is can anyone please help me with directions? Im planning to attend this church very soon

  9. I have been there several times. There's nothing unusual about it. More or less an urban legend. I was walking the grave yard and the caretaker was less than friendly. He asked my name, I replied "TANZODMAH", he lowered his gaze and walked away. I am on Tumblr as Maxresist.

  10. My wife & I drove to the church yesterday (a beautiful Sunday afternoon). It is weird because there are no signs or anything identifying what type of church it is. No religious symbols, or anything on the property or on the building. The entire property (including the little cemetery next to it) seems very well-kept. There is a gazebo and a basketball court. I'm wondering if it's a private residence now, or what. Sure didn't feel any "presence"... we also looked all around the area for "Joppa". There is nothing. All homes in the area seem nice, and we saw absolutely nothing unusual. We came to the conclusion that the whole "Sinister Joppa" thing is simply a myth.

    1. This place is creepy , I was once chased away by a big black truck way back 30 years ago as an eager teenager like 1 AM . It happened again like 2 years later . No cross, no name . But here's a another weird part . I drove by on a Sunday night to see if they had a service- Yes and they all wore white and they stared at us as if we needed to leave . Over the years the stories of others is the same

    2. That old church , no, no name

  11. I am going to joppa soon i am going to write my name on the road

  12. I'm going to go there the next Saturday I don't work.

  13. Here's the thing about satanic worshipers: there are two kinds, and only two kinds. The first kind are loud, proud and in-your-face in blazing Three-Dee Technicolor. Their house of worship will be painted in Mason's Black (a one-time manufacturer of automotive paints for Rolls-Royce Motorcars; nothing whatsoever to do with Speculative Masonry, better known as Freemasonry) and will have a prominent inverted cross atop it's belfry, inside of which belfry is a 1820 kg. bell of 75% Cu, 20% Sn, and the balance of small amounts of Zn, Fe, Pb, and Ag (but no Au) cast by John Taylor & Co. of Loughborough, Charnwood, Leicestershire, England, which will be tolled thirteen times to announce the hour of worship (often after midnight Friday, but can take place at any time; the time of day is not related in any way to the number of times the bell tolls, and ought not to be used for timekeeping purposes, such as the setting of a timepiece).
    The second kind are the spitting image of Jane and John Q. Public, are unremarkable in their habits, have no house of worship which can be recognized as such based on appearance alone, will profess to be members of the religious denomination most common in their locale, and will express surprise and/or indignation at the suggestion they're in any way associated with satanic worship, and will deny any knowledge of such.
    Having Some Degree of Expertise in Such Matters, I can declare unequivocally that this Indiana Joppa Salem church being a satanic conventicle is hogwash

  14. so did anyone go to joppa.indiana yet since posts

    1. Place is still the same, we'll I mean the sidewalk different behind church and wishing well yes but the main structure is the same looking and still no cross , no name - ironic . First time there 30 years ago

  15. I can attest only one thing....the pastor and his members physically destroyed my families property ie....smashed headlamps and beat my family car one late October night 40 years ago after friends and I heard stories and decided to see for ourselves if something fishy was going on here. As we got out of our cars to walk up and knock on the door people came out of the woods and fields nearby with bats and sticks. They began chasing us ton our cars and then proceeded to beat on them until we sped away....I nearly ran over one the men!

    We went to the local police and they came out that night, found men hiding in the area. The police brought them to me and my friends for identification....we confirmed their identity as men we saw but the police let them off and sent us home explaining the man we identified was the Pastor and he was there that night to protect the church from vandals but hadn't seen anything or anyone. Liar!
